Men in a Lingerie Shop – Like Kids in a Candy Store?

by Kirsty McAspurn

Most men, whether straight or gay, will appreciate beautiful lingerie. Okay, so ideally, they prefer it on a lingerie model, but either way they know what they like. But does this mean that they will enjoy lingerie shopping as much?

In my experience, men shopping for lingerie fit into one of 4 categories:

Know what they like and are happy to buy

Men that know what they like and are happy to buy lingerie make life very easy as a boutique owner! They generally know their loved one’s sizes and will listen to the shop assistant, taking in suggestions and providing information on what sort of thing they are after. They are confident in a lingerie shop, don’t mind if they are seen in there, and proudly leave displaying their bag. These guys are like kids in a candy store.

Unsure what their loved one would like, but happy to buy

The next category of man is quite confident about going into a lingerie shop and enjoys looking around, but doesn’t necessarily know what he is after. He will more often than not know sizing, and what he likes, but not necessarily what he thinks she’ll like. This chap normally errs on the side of caution when choosing for his loved one, as he wants to make sure she is happy rather than simply going for what makes him happy. He’ll listen to the shop assistant and appreciate her help. This is the guy that looks through the candy store window (a lot!).

Would rather be anywhere else, but feel that they need to buy

Then we reach the last category of man buying for his other half. He is the one that doesn’t want to be spotted inside a lingerie store. He feels uncomfortable just being there and wants the experience to be over as fast as possible, but knows little about what he or his loved one is after, yet alone sizes. Consequently, this chap can end up spending longer in the shop than his lingerie happy-to-be-there counterparts! He would prefer to take away his purchases in a plain bag. This is the guy that crosses the road, afraid of getting a filling if he wanders too close to the candy store.

Buying for himself

The last category of gentlemen kind of fits into all of the above. When buying for themselves men know what sort of thing they like, but may not know their sizes. They don’t mind coming into store, but are often cautious about other people seeing them or worry they’ll scare off customers for the shop. They are happy to listen to the assistant, but would prefer their purchases to be in a plain bag (or they wear it out). They love the candy store, but are cautious about getting fillings.

Whichever kind of man you are (or know) remember this: the assistants are there to help you, not to laugh at you. There are no silly questions – lots of women don’t understand bra sizes so we can’t expect men to. There’s no need to be embarrassed. A good lingerie shop will offer a wish list service so women can choose the lingerie they like and it can be written down with their sizes, making it easy for their partner to treat or surprise them. Don’t be afraid to come shopping with your lady – she’ll love that you care and appreciate your input.

And one final bit of advice: holding your hands up saying “she’s about this size” doesn’t help at all!

Kirsty, owner of Curvature Boutique.

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Lurch July 16, 2011 - 3:48 pm

There is a 5th Group. Straight,married men who are ordered to get more “of this brand and size.You know what colours I have so get something different.” by the wife.
