Some lingerie-themed-but-not-actual-lingerie ideas. A great way to treat the lingerista in your life when you’re unsure of their size or preferred style! Many of them are also budget-friendly (prices start from around £5) so they’re perfect as stocking fillers or for Secrets Santas too.
gift guide
The intimacy of lingerie is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, it makes it the perfect gift for such a romance-filled occasion. On the other, it can make it pretty tricky to work out what someone else would feel comfortable, confident and beautiful in…
I know I’m cutting it a bit fine here, but welcome to my final lingerie gift guide of the year. Only 6 days to go now! This list has been, as always, the most fun one to collate because it’s the no-holds-barred, price-is-no-issue lingerie gift list.
Disclosure: Links with a * are affiliate links. Today’s post is my penultimate gift guide of the year, rounding up lingerie gift ideas from £77 to £150 (that’s up to…
Disclosure: Links with a * are affiliate links. There’s no better way to get into the holiday spirit than decorating, and what’s better than decorating your body with lingerie? If…
Disclosure: Links with a * are affiliate links. Gift shopping for the lingerista in your life this festive season? Earlier this week I shared my favourite treats for less than…
Disclosure: Links with a * are affiliate links. It’s that time of the year again when I share some lingerie gift ideas for the upcoming festive season! Honestly, picking out…
Disclosure: This blog post contains affiliate links. As promised, today I’m sharing my final gift guide of 2016 and it’s all about those extravagant and breathtaking pieces for when money…
Disclosure: This blog post contains affiliate links. This is my penultimate gift guide of the year, with suggestions ranging from a little over £100 to a little under £250. I…
Disclosure: This blog post contains affiliate links. Whoops, it’s been 10 days since my last gift guide and chances are you’re well into your Christmas shopping by now – but…