[Update: As of 31st December 2020, I have closed the Esty Lingerie Patreon to focus my time here, on the main blog. Thank you to everyone who supported it while it was available :)]
I’m kicking off the new year with an announcement: Esty Lingerie is now on Patreon!
For those of you who don’t already know, Patreon is a platform that allows you to sign up for a month-by-month subscription, to support the creator in question and/or to receive access to members-only perks – more on those in just a moment.
I’m launching my Patreon page to allow me to create more (and better!) content for you all in 2020 and beyond. I have no shortage of ideas – my ‘to write’ list is as long as my arm, but pieces such as the denier guide and lingerie-drying guide were on it for well over a year before I found the time to write them. These types of articles can take upwards of 10 hours to research, organise, photograph, and write, and no one pays me to do that.
Esty Lingerie receives very little in the way of advertising income, which means it’s tough sometimes for me to devote as much time to this blog as I would like to. At least 80% of my working week is spent on my freelance work, for other lingerie brands and publications. If I could put even just half of that time towards the blog instead, well, just imagine!
All funds from Patreon will go directly into the website. That means paying my writers, paying for admin costs such as web hosting, and allowing me to dedicate more hours each month specifically to researching and writing blog posts.
What’s in it for you?
As they say, every little helps, and I wanted my Patreon page to offer something affordable for everyone who’d like to support this site. So there are four membership tiers which begin at just $2 per month (that’s currently about £1.50 for my UK readers). Here’s what you’ll get back in exchange for your patronage:

The Open Cup Tier ($2 per month)
From this tier and above (i.e. that’s everyone who supports my Patreon!), you’ll get early access to every article published on Esty Lingerie. You’ll receive secret links to unlock new articles at least 24 hours before the general public gets to read them.

The Quarter Cup Tier ($6 per month)
I see so much lingerie on a daily basis that I am constantly stumbling across cool/unique/beautiful things – far more than I end up sharing on the blog or my social media. Moving forwards, I’ll be posting the best of these lingerie discoveries over on Patreon for this tier and upwards. You’ll also get the Open Cup tier perk i.e. early access to blog articles.

The Demi Cup Tier ($12 per month)
If you like learning about new brands in a more in-depth way, this is the tier for you. For patrons at this tier and above, I’ll be writing a monthly feature all about one brand or collection that I think deserves special attention. Think content similar to our lingerie lookbooks and designer interviews, but exclusively for Patreon. You’ll also receive the Open Cup and Quarter Cup perks above.

The Full Cup Tier ($20 per month)
The full Esty Lingerie Patreon experience! You’ll have access to my entire Patreon feed, including ‘first thoughts reviews’ which will be exclusively for this tier. It often takes me 2-3 months from receiving new lingerie to writing about it, which sometimes means items are selling/sold out by the time I hit publish. And if I end up returning something, I don’t write a review at all. But from now on, Full Cup patrons will always get to hear my initial thoughts within the first few days of the parcel arriving.
Plus, as a special thank you for your generosity, patrons at this tier will have the opportunity to vote on what gets written next. So you’ll be directly influencing future Esty Lingerie content, as well as supporting it.
You can visit the Esty Lingerie Patreon here. Thank you for reading this far, and happy 2020! 🙂